Music Journalism 101

Cover image of Music Journalism 101: The Definitive resource for writers and editors

This course has been completely revised and re-imagined as Music Journalism 101: The Definitive Resource for Writers and Editors


… like any good skill, writing about music and the people who make it is something that will improve with practice, and through careful study of masters.

Leticia Supple is one such master. [ Steff Metal ]

Learn from the master during the next live course. Places are limited!
Register now find out when it runs.

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Existing (free) online course

This is out of date since the book was released, but it’s where Music Journalism 101 began. I encourage you to work through these, then buy the book or sign up to hear about the next run of the live course. Places are limited, but it’s the best available, delivered by me personally.

101 A. Introduction.

101 B. Ethnography.

101 C. Ethnography at Gigs.

101 D. Reviewing a Band’s Performance.

101 E. Reviewing a New Release: stage one.

101 F. Reviewing a New Release: stage two.

101 G. Preparing for Interviews.

101 H. Conducting the Interview.

101 I. Emailer Interviews.

101 J. Writing the Feature Article.

101 K. Get the Words Right!
Creative Commons License

*This course is free in the sense you can use it, but please note that Music Journalism 101 by the author of this blog, Leticia Supple, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 Australia License. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at

