About Leticia Mooney

Leticia Mooney is an Australian author whose works focus on the complications of lives, of place-making, place-taking, and place-being. She works in a multiplicity of form, from essays to poetry.

One night, many moons ago, I stopped typing. A realisation had just hit me like a freight train:

I wanted to be a writer when I grew up. But I didn’t take enough care to specify what kind of writer I wanted to be.

I’d almost finished bashing out a 54,000-word report for a client. It was 2 am. Deadline was just after breakfast.

I’ve been working to rectify my direction ever since. These days I am a consultant, coach and life reader… when I’m not mumming or Art-ing.

Finally, after listening to my (he)art, I found coherence. If you don’t find what you’re after on this site, please email me to let me know. I’ll respond to you within 24 hours.


Books (author)

Books (editor)

Sleeman, Jesse. Cry for Health (volume 1: Health, the casualty of modern times). Indie.

Sage, Helen. A Flower Between the Cracks. (Affirm Press).

Schioldann, Johan. A history of the introduction of lithium into medicine and psychiatry. (Adelaide Academic Press).


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BOOKS please visit my Amazon author page

TELEGRAM https://t.me/leticiamooney

EMAIL https://leticiamooney.com/newsletter

GOODREADS https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7701215.Leticia_Supple


I’ve spent my career building my own businesses.

No doubt that will continue! Nowadays I consult directly to individuals and corporations.

My services have since been streamlined into consulting, coaching, and life reading.

Previous businesses I’ve started (or acquired) include Brutal Pixie Pty Ltd, Brascoe Publishing, Adelaide Academic Press, Metal as Fuck, and AnySpace Global.


I wrote Music Journalism 101: The first book on the mechanics of Rock Journalism.

This book emerged from my work mentoring writers at Metal as Fuck, which was an online metal magazine that I conceived, built, and ran from 2007-2010.

By our second year we had thousands of followers on Twitter, and hundreds and hundreds of fans on Facebook. We were the first Australian music magazine to be on the ground in major European festivals like Bloodstock, Summer Breeze, Party.San, and Wacken.

I sold Metal as Fuck to Radar Media in 2010, and it’s passed through several hands since that time. Don’t ask me who has it now or even whether it’s still functioning!


I can help you take your corporation from good to Great.

Consulting services are available in the following areas:

  • ISO 9001:2015 systems establishment, maintenance and audits
  • Management consulting, particularly in relation to internal communications from Executive to Staff
  • Customer experience consulting and audits.

Please note that I am not generally available for this type of consulting until 2025. If you are planning forwards, please contact me to open a discussion.


I can help you make sense of Life, in a few ways.

The first is as an intuitive coach. The second is as a Life Reader.

Discover more about my coaching, tarot, and numerology services.


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