Gallery – WiP: Hat for Aimee

15 December 2008 – nearly finished

Having done the first part of this little beanie, I decided that the gaps in it were too large, so frogged nearly the whole thing and started again. It’s worked in shell stitch all the way around; and only discovered by accident how to get it to curl downwards: count the stitches! hahaha So simple! Each shell has 7 treble stitches in it; so by counting seven stitches across, and by working the shell in the fourth stitch (with a single crochet in the first and seventh stitch of the previous round), I’ve kept the shape.

This hat only needs about five or six more rounds and it will be done! Just in time for Christmas – and not a day too soon either.



Aimee's hat - nearly finished
Aimee's hat - nearly finished




24 November 2008 – starting

The first photos of Aimee’s hat I took this morning on my webcam; not ideal, but at least it (kinda) works. You don’t get a sense of the huge sparkle that this thread has, which is the only shame. Never mind. More photos will be posted here progressively.


Pic 1 - top of hat - working side
Pic 1 - top of hat - working side


Pic 2 - top of hat - other side
Pic 2 - top of hat - other side

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