Winner of the 2008 Peter Lucas Award

This is not music journalism, nor metal, but it’s my blog so – I can do what I like!

My mum (Therese Supple) tonight won the 2008 Peter Lucas Memorial Award, a huge honour, awarded by the Customs House Gallery in Warrnambool, Victoria. This award gives mum the right to exhibit at the Gallery for the whole of the coming year.

The only thing I’ve ever heard mum really want to do is to paint. Since she moved down to Illowa (between Warrnambool, Port Fairy, and Koroit in Victoria) she’s been studying visual art at TAFE Deakin. Tonight’s exhibition at the Warrnambool Art Gallery was for grads of the visual art program, and she was blown away by winning this award.

Her art is nostalgic, often dealing with themes of family in the past. One work that she exhibited tonight was a scene from the old Chevy that they had when she was a kid, with her parents in the front seat and the legs of three of her sisters in the back. It’s caused a bit of a stir for those in her age group, from the memories it’s dug up for them.

Mum’s work is being exhibited for a few weeks in Warrnambool – so head down to see it if you can. The art is for sale too, but by all accounts you’ve gotta be quick!

Congratulations mum! You never thought you could do it (still don’t think you’re worthy – silly you!), but I always knew you could. This win is awesome for you, and I’m hell proud of ya. 🙂 See? Amazing what happens when you do what you love!

Images of Therese’s work:


Dinner. Acrylic on canvas. Therese Supple (c) 2008
Dinner. Acrylic on canvas. Image copyright Therese Supple 2008


Silver Mines Road. Acrylic on Canvas. Therese Supple (c) 2008
Silver Mines Road. Acrylic on Canvas. Image copyright Therese Supple 2008




The Beach. Acrylic on Canvas. Therese Supple (c) 2008
The Beach. Acrylic on Canvas. Image copyright Therese Supple 2008

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