Metal as Fuck: the world’s most obliterating metal mag. Coming Feb 2009

From the Brascoe Blog just today…

Set to bodyslam its way into the global metal community in early February 2009 is Metal as Fuck: the world’s most obliterating metal magazine. Unlike all other metal ezines and online metal communities, and especially unlike others produced in Australia, Metal as Fuck will have a truly global, integrative focus, and will bring about the first ever on-the-ground interaction between bands, fans, and the industry.

Produced by prominent and gutsy Australian house, Brascoe Publishing, who are rapidly moving to the top seat in independent Australian publishing – and edited by one of the country’s prominent music industry educators, metal label rep and publicist Kelli Wright – Metal as Fuck will feature writers from all over the world. From correspondents in the USA and Europe, to local columnists – including metal supermodel Sam McSatan – and with some of Australia’s best …


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