EVENT REVIEW: Cannibal Corpse @ Fowler’s Live (Adelaide) 11 Sept 09

pic4cannibalshorevDespite all of the bands I’ve ever seen, I have to admit that until Friday night I hadn’t had the pleasure of Cannibal Corpse. The two support acts I also hadn’t seen for a while, so was looking forward to a generically good night. What I didn’t expect that it would be quite so good as it was. This show fucking slayed.

Rocking up early on the first really warm day after this year’s winter – perfect gig-going weather – we arrived at Fowler’s to discover a scattering of people throughout the venue, a great vibe, and a general buzz of excitement. Most of those there early were young kids, off the parental leash for the evening and filled with the amazement of seeing Cannibal Corpse. It’s not that the older peeps among the crowd were any different: they just expressed their excitement in a different way. Like powering through beers and debating excitedly about which early Corpse release was the best, and telling each other which track the fuckers better play…. READ MORE –>

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