INTERVIEW: Fed Through the Teeth Machine: a chat with The Red Chord’s Guy Kozowyk

Talking with Guy Kozowyk, vocalist for The Red Chord, was probably the longest interview I’ve ever done. Clocking in at an hour, we talked music, art, tours, lyrics, and a whole lot more besides.

I was just about to head out to the kitchen for a pre-interview cup of tea when I got a phone call from Metal Blade asking if I could do The Red Chord interview early. Having just finished a previous interview and had all my gear ready to go, I said sure thing. Guy Kozowyk was in the office at the time so we started chatting… and could’ve quite literally talked for the whole hour instead of doing the interview.

When I said to him that we should probably talk business, all he said was: ‘if you want. But you don’t have to. I’m probably more interesting than our album.’

The Red Chord had been lined up to hit Australia in early 2009; but when the cost of flights sky-rocketed, the whole thing fell through at the eleventh hour.

‘So now,’ Kozowyk said, ‘Australia’s gonna have to come to us.’

‘All of us?’ I asked him.

‘Why not?’ he laughed. ‘You could fit the whole thing somewhere in America. We have that many people that aren’t even supposed to be here. So yeah, you guys could blend in just fine. I don’t mind having a whole bunch of people running around with funny Australian accents,’ he went on.

Before we did get into the bulk of the interview about The Red Chord’s work, I talked to Kozowyk about fellow band member, Mike “Gunface” McKenzie‘s side project – which was purely by accident. I had written the questions for Mike and for a while didn’t realise who I was talking to. Oops. Embarrassing much?

Regardless, Kozowyk was happy to talk about McKenzie’s side project All Rivers. In fact, he sounded a bit excited about it on McKenzie’s behalf….. READ MORE >>

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