Defining yourself through social media

It’s an interesting concept, that of defining yourself through how you’re viewed in social media. One of the best for it – since the latest functionality upgrades anyway – is Twitter.

Our of curiosity today I went to my public profile and had a look at how many times I’d been listed. It’s not many: just 14. For those of you who aren’t familiar with the lists in Twitter, it’s a function whereby you can create a list, give it whatever title or name you want, and then add people to it. Once you’ve done your list, you can make it public or private; if it’s public then other people can ‘mass follow’ as it were the people you’ve selected, simply by following your list. Does that make sense?

Anyway, so I’ve been added to 14 lists. Of the other profiles I manage, Metal as Fuck has been added to 117 lists, and Brascoe Publishing to 29. But it’s really my personal one that I’m interested in, because it provides a unique insight into how the twitterverse views me.

And how is that? As a metalhead. And an awesome one at that. Being a humble sort of person it completely spins me out.

A selection of the lists I’ve been added to are:

  • metal chicks
  • kick ass people
  • brutal approved
  • metal heads m
  • demonic kvlt horde
  • they tweet destroy metal
  • true metal
  • music
  • websites for bands
  • … and so on

The thing about this lists function is that it really shows you what your predominant topics of tweet are, and how you are perceived by the twitterverse. For instance, I’m also a blogger, writer, publisher – and I tweet about that sort of thing too – but my key role to my followers, is my role as a metal music journo and editor of Metal as Fuck.

I’m curious to know how you are defined by your social networks, and Twitter especially? What do your listings say about you?

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