New business in the offing

Yeah it’s been a while since I did any really solid, income-generating work for myself. Since “the divorce” I’ve been busy working on a business restructure and thinking of new things… and I’m almost ready to launch it. With a new website and a new design – not to mention a new focus – I’m hoping that Self Employment Take Two will be more successful.

Whereas before I was the prime mover in a business that tried to be all things to all people (How To Fail in Business Rule #1), with projects that cost more than they earned (How To Fail in Business Rule #2), this new incarnation will take just one part of that business and focus on that aspect pretty much entirely. What is it? Doesn’t sound glamorous, but I must admit I love it: copywriting (with some editing thrown in).

I got really down on myself for not being able to make a success of Self Employment Take One. As with anything like that, it seems only logical to take it personally. With everything else going on in my life, it seemed that running a business as well was just too much, at the wrong time. I nearly ditched everything: all the clients, all the publications. I nearly sold the business, come to that – not that I would’ve got much for it. Thanks to solid advice from my dad, my accountant, my best friend and other mates besides, I didn’t do that.

Instead, I restructured it so I can function as a sole trader, and just let the Brascoe business “fade away”. In fact, that business doesn’t exist anymore, except for its web presence, and even that is going to die very soon as well.

This week I had the (good?) fortune to be working in a job with absolutely nothing to do, so I was able to set up a new website, fill it with text, start the blog rolling on it, and have moves to get the design cranking. It’s nearly finished. It’s killing me (as new projects are wont to do) that I can’t give you the link yet! But I will. Soon.

So – with all of this in front of me, clients on the books and meetings set next week with potential new clients, I’m starting to become excited again about working for myself.

Fingers crossed I can get Self Employment Take Two to work. If it does work, then I won’t have to go through all of the struggle of feeling like a failure – work-wise – ever again, and it might be the last time I have to face this enormous leap. Wish me luck!

8 thoughts on “New business in the offing

  1. Hot damn Tish, this looks soo schmick and you write with refreshing lucidity (nice word that).Buckets of admiration for you lovey. I dare this business not to work!! Your courage encourages me. Dib

  2. Good luck times a million! Agree that ‘failing’ is all part of the process, and will add that the idea of ‘failure’ is relative – the more you are failing the more risks you are taking, and that is definitely A Good Thing.

    Amazing post, you are so smart and capable, I have no doubt you’ll be a success whatever you try your hand at.

  3. There is never a better feeling than getting up, dusting yourself off and beginning again on your own terms.

  4. you cant fail unless you’ve tried! and there aint nothing wrong with that. learn by the mistakes and keep on moving forward. says the man who never learns 😀

  5. Aww thanks hun!
    You’re right – I think failing was the best thing that could’ve happened. I now have the Manual on How To Fail and *really* know what to avoid! 🙂

  6. There’s all kinds of annoying bizspirational quotes about the importance of failing, but I won’t bore either of us by trying to think of any – but without being too condescending I reckon it’s true that if you’ve never failed it’s probably because you’ve never tried anything interesting or even slightly risky. So you don’t need to feel bad about failing, it’s just part of the process.

    Can’t wait for the new site and I’m looking forward to working with you in your new venture… because you rock!

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