[BOOK REVIEW] The Holographic Universe: The Revolutionary Theory of Reality, by Michael Talbot (Harper Perennial)

This is a book that anyone interested in science ought to read; yet I fear that it is also one that the militant atheist sciencey types will immediately disregard.

The Holographic Universe: The Revolutionary Theory of RealityThe Holographic Universe: The Revolutionary Theory of Reality by Michael Talbot

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is a book that anyone interested in science ought to read; yet I fear that it is also one that the militant atheist sciencey types will immediately disregard.

The Holographic Universe is an evaluative and rigorous examination of an alternative theory of physics. That is holographic or holomovement physics, which posits that the universe functions in a way similar to a hologram.

In doing so, Talbot gives us a foundational knowledge of elements of quantum physics that we require in order to understand the landscape. From here, the book runs us through a very complete examination of parts of reality that the theorem may be able to explain. It includes all of the ‘uncomfortable’ things about reality that mainstream science disregards, or at least, acknowledges exists but views as something that is unexplainable (and therefore probably a mental delusion).

Such things include out of body experiences, understanding of psychokinetic ability, understanding of dream worlds, different ways of examining the ability of people to manifest things in the real world, and an examination of physical health.

It is a highly engaging, extremely well referenced work. It is also extremely well argued. It is not, however, the type of work that insists on being the only perspective; in fact, there are many occasions, especially in some of the more challenging topics, where Talbot will argue other sides perspectives and points of view that are equally valid.

As for me, I kept copious notes throughout the reading of this book, now have a sizeable bibliography of works to follow up and read, and annoyed those around me by reading excerpts of parts I found particularly interesting. Which, given I am a lot more nerdy than them, was probably quite irritating.

This is a work highly recommended for the curious mind. If you are not open-minded about physics, then perhaps avoid this – if only to avoid your own discomfort.

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2 thoughts on “[BOOK REVIEW] The Holographic Universe: The Revolutionary Theory of Reality, by Michael Talbot (Harper Perennial)

  1. Great review! This is one of the best books I’ve ever read! It’s been two years and I’m considering reading it again.

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