Dance Tips for Adults

Confession time: I’ve got a new podcast. Maybe I should find someone to help me focus on my book….
dance tips for adult dancers

It’s confession time.

I launched a new podcast.

It’s titled Dance Tips for Adult Dancers, and I literally just now pressed the Go button on Episode 001.

I’m an adult who dances (technically, the writer who wishes she was a dancer). I’ve been involved in some kind of movement practise almost since I was two years old, which is when I started classical ballet. I did this until I started school; then I did jazz ballet; and gymnastics; and muay thai; and chi gong; and tai chi; and then finally closed the loop with dance again in my early 30s.

What I’ve noticed is that adults who get serious about dance really get serious about dance. There’s a sense that there is so much time to make up! So much to learn! No time to learn it! And a smattering of regret that the rest of your life wasn’t dedicated to dance.

Additionally, they’re always looking for tips, ideas, new ways of thinking about the art form and how they relate to it.

So it was that after talking about it with my fellow dancers, I decided to launch the podcast.

If you’re a dancer, I’d love you to join me on the journey.

You’ll find it at:

  1. Soundcloud
  2. Apple Podcasts

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