EVENT REVIEW: Edguy, Cynic, Black Majesty @ Fowler’s Live (Adelaide), 5 Jan 2010

Cynic were peaceful; Edguy was enormous amounts of fun. It was a weird-as-hell lineup, but a great show nonetheless, and a fucking brilliant start to the metal year.

Hot weather always makes me late for gigs. Don’t ask me why; maybe it’s because I keep waiting for that never-to-arrive time when suddenly the heat of the day states to wane. Or maybe it makes me sluggish. Whatever it is, the summer lethargy hit me this night, which meant that we rocked up to Fowler’s Live at the point where openers Black Majesty were already four songs into their set.

Not expecting many people to rock up – like, honestly, how many people are seriously into power metal in Adelaide? Not many! – I wasn’t surprised to see only a few people outside having a yarn. What I was surprised to see was a rather decent number of people inside the venue, and, more to the point, enjoying Black Majesty’s set.

Of course, if you talked to most people, they had all turned out to see Cynic. Not half as many were keen on Edguy; but the fact that they were enjoying Black Majesty was a good sign.

Black Majesty are a tight little outfit. I only caught, like, two or maybe three songs of their set, but they did a reasonable job. They have a half-decent stage presence, their music is well performed, and, although it’s not striking or really even that original-sounding, they were a decent opener.

Except. (There’s always one, isn’t there?) I am sorry to rain on everybody’s parade, but …. READ MORE –>

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