2015 in review: What were you reading?

What were the most popular articles at xpositio in 2015? Read on to find out!

Rather than do a year in review of the actual year (boring), here’s a bit of a review of this site. What were you reading this year?

It turns out that the most popular articles this year are all-time favourites here. A bunch of them were the original postings for Music Journalism 101, which is a book. An updated book. So if you’re reading this old stuff, go buy the book.

Like, seriously, do yourself a favour and get the updated version. And if you want audio, let me know and I’ll release the audiobook in the first half of 2016.

The most popular posts on [e]xpositio in 2015:

  1. Writing the feature article. Turns out tons of people read this! It was originally published in 2010 and it’s always relevant. Writing feature articles is a big deal. Probably I should do a book just on writing features. To vote for this idea, leave a comment.
  2. Manage your money with Evernote. Published in 2013, this is a super popular post, probably because it does something needed with something slightly unusual.
  3. About me. Wow, you guys want all dirt, huh? I probably should update that sucker…
  4. Conducting the interview. The oldest in the list (from September 2009)! With reason – interviews freak everyone out, so how do you do it well? Hint, it’s better in the book, so see the nudging above.
  5. Ride the wave, Sunshine. This is the only article from this year that made the top five. It got heaps of eyeballs, because it talked about issues relevant to startups and entrepreneurs, and the community in which I’m pretty well embedded. It’s kinda nice to know that my work is still read, and still relevant to people. Just, a different community than years ago.

So there you have it! Fascinating.

Thanks for your reading and sharing and attention this year. This blog is very nearly 10 years old, so at some stage you and I will have to think about what we do to celebrate.

Have a fantastic end of year, and best wishes for a prosperous 2016.


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