Off to Cover the 2016 Port Fairy Folk Festival

Yes it’s true: This little hard-nosed metal critic is off to cover a folk festival. One with which she is intimately connected.

In somewhat of a deviation from my standard genre, I’m off to enjoy – and report on – the Port Fairy Folk Festival.

As you read this, I’m driving over to Port Fairy in Victoria from Adelaide. It’s a long hike: About 8 hours’ drive, depending on which way you go. It’s also not unfamiliar territory for me, given I grew up near there and a chunk of my family hails from that little town.

Somewhat of an institution in Port Fairly, my great grandparents were caretakers at The Gardens, which is now the Gardens Caravan Park. Artists, musicians, and yep, florists and gardeners, Nanna and Pampa were fixtures of the Port Fairy community.

And my uncle started the Folk Festival 40 years ago this year. It’s also his final year as Director of what is now one of the largest folk festivals in the country – if not the largest.

What a legend.

So, it seems only fitting that this little music journalist should do the right thing and go cover the festival during Jamie’s last year. My work from the coverage will appear over at the Upside News.

Watch this space and my Twitter feed over at @biodagar between 11 – 14 March 2016 for on-the-ground updates.

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