Will you help me plan my next anthology?

Help me decide how to shape my next book release, and get yourself a discounted copy.

Yes, it’s time. It’s time to create a new book.

Over the years, I have written a huge number of essays. Nearly all of them have been published on this very site.

The challenge is therefore how to choose which essays go into the anthology. I could do the usual – compile by theme, or topic – thing, but then it struck me that perhaps I’m just being creative enough.

If you are willing to help me sort which essays go where, you’ll get recognition in the book and a time-limited, discounted ePub.

Here’s how to participate

STEP ONE. Go review the index. Make a note of any ideas that occur to you as to themes, words, or ideas.

STEP TWO. Fill in this form and send me your thoughts:

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