[ Cover Reveal ] Flash Fiction of the Month #1 for March 2020

See the cover of this month’s Flash Fiction of the Month Club mailout, and learn why there are TWO in March instead of one.
flash fiction cover March 2020
Cover of the first Flash Fiction of the Month Club mailout, March 2020

In an unexpected twist in the Flash Fiction of the Month Club, February was a dry month not just for ideas, but also for execution.

I wrote loads of material.

All of it was rubbish.

Flash Fiction has a particular knack, a feel, a vibe. And I’d gotten lazy. It had become less about movement (which is everything in flash fiction) and more about snapshots.

Thus it is that Club members will see two mailings hit their letterboxes this month, instead of the usual two.

And this month, a piece that I’m proud of. It’s rich, deep, suggestive; it has references to pop culture; it has movement; and it has character shift.

And it’s still only 607 words.

If you’re not a member of the club, you can sign up here.

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