This is the best thing I’ve ever made

The best thing I’ve ever made isn’t a product, or a business, but a person. Cliche, much?

It’s a cliche, but cliches are cliches for a reason.

On 8 November 2020, a new person came into my life:

Just after Beren’s birth
in hospital with daddy
So tiny!

His name is Beren Patrick George Mooney, and he’s freaking amazing. All mums say it, but the love makes you say all kinds of crazy things. (But seriously, he really is amazing.)

Beren was a footling breech. After a dream pregnancy, in which we were all systems go for a home birth, he didn’t turn around. He insisted on coming out via the sun-roof.

Beren at 5 weeks

I’m going to write about our amazing, positive caesarean birth separately. I didn’t think it was possible to have one, but it turns out it is!

There are a lot of lessons in it; so stay tuned for that separate essay.

For now, given you’re one of my readers, I literally just want you to meet him. At the time of writing (22 Dec) he is 6 weeks and 2 days old. He’s 5.78 kg, and 59 cm tall. He’s a beautiful, placid, curious, and active little man, and we reckon he’ll be legging it around the house well before 12 months. He’s already trying super hard to talk, and our proto-conversations are the best time-wasters in existence. I could babble with him all day.

Beren is hands-down the best thing I’ve ever made.

Almost, little buddy!
Is he cute or am I biased? (Cos I am VERY biased…)

The only thing I wish is that I’d done this 10 years ago, because then I could have given him siblings. 🙂

I mean, I could easily give him siblings. If I wanted to be 60 when they’re 15…

I’m pretty good at baking new folk, and also pretty good at feeding them it turns out!

Anyway, this is why there have been few words around here lately. That’ll gradually start to change now that we’re getting to know each other, and learning how to live in this amazing new world of Mum.

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4 thoughts on “This is the best thing I’ve ever made

  1. Congratulations! What a beautiful baby! You sound so besotted and content.
    2020 has had a happy ending for you, and I’m sure the coming years will be just as blessed!

    1. Aw thanks Carmel! You’re right – I am totally besotted. ? Please accept my best wishes for you to have a beautiful 2021.

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