CHALLENGE: 500 words a week

I’ll confess it: I love to write. I’m a published writer: my work has appeared in something like four anthologies to date, no, five anthologies: two Piping Shrike anathologies, one Spiny Babbler anthology, and also the Sex Mook by Vignette Press. But for the past two years I’ve not written a fucking thing. And it’s time that changed.

So – I’m issuing a challenge. Well, perhaps not so much a challenge, as a blog-a-long. That is to write 500 words of fiction a week.

Those 500 words – which, honestly, is something like half a page – can be part of a longer work, they can be short stories, essays, whatever.

If you want to write more and join in the challenge, let me know by dropping a comment below. What I’ll do is link to everybody who takes part. Let’s get writing!

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